Spanish translation

Professional Spanish translation is the kind of activity that requires involving one’s intuition, even if we talk about technical translation. To see why this is true, consider the following example:
You certainly know that popular Spanish verbs can have 10-15 variants of translation in English, and each one of these English words also has the same number of Spanish analogs. A good Spanish translator doesn\\'t know the words; he knows the ranges of possible definitions. The main part of his work consists of intuitive feeling, when he decides where and why to put a concrete Spanish word.

Native Spanish translators’ services
Of course such a translator must be a native Spanish speaker or at least to live in Spain for a couple of years. Polilingua’s staff consists of such specialists and they will certainly meet your quality requirements.

Our Spanish translation service matches the general clients’ requirements, such as quality, time and cost, and their individual needs as well. We offer a wide range of services, including translation and authentication of documents, interpretations and 3 way calls, website and software localization, proofreading and desktop publishing.

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